Calendar: 1961-1962 Page 26
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Page content
25 Medieval and Modern History Williams Camb Professor Graham Queers Canada Harv Ph Camb Rhodes Professor of Imperial History Η Scullard Camb Ph London Professor of Ancient History Η Howard Oxford Reader Hodgett London Reader Duggan London Ph Camb ך Flint Camb Ph London Η Roseveare Camb Lecturers Brown Phil Oxford One vacancy Marshall Oxford jA88istant Lecturers Roy St Andrews Sir Anthony Wagner Litt Oxford Garter King of Arms Hon Adviser in Heraldic Studies Modern Greek To be appointed Koraes Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History Language and Literature Palaeography Brown Oxford Professor Philosophy Findlay Ph Graz Oxford and Africa Professor Vesey Litt Camb Lecturer Pole Oxford Ph London Lecturer Ashby Ph London Assistant Lecturer Portuguese Boxer Hon Litt et Phil Utrecht and Lisbon Camoens Professor de Rebelo Licentiate in Classics Lisbon Coimbra Lecturer Spanish Parker Camb Cervantes Professor Mrs Hamilton London -68-L Lille Senior Lecturer Nadal Licentiate in Law Madrid Sage London Lecturers Cummins Ph London Jennifer Thompson London Assistant Lecturer Salazar Ed Manila Licentiate in History Seville Assistant FACULTIES OF ARTS AND THEOLOGY The regular courses for theological examinations are provided in the Faculty of Theology see pages 30 and 211 onwards Divinity The Rev Nineham Oxford Professor Ecclesiastical History The Rev Dugmore Oxford Professor Collinson Camb Ph London Assistant Lecturer History and Philosophy of Religion Η Lewis Wales Litt Oxford Professor The Rev Parrinder London Pleader in the Comparative Study of Religions To be appointed Lecturer Old Testament Studies Ackroyd Th London Ph Camb Samuel Davidson Professor
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