Calendar: 1961-1962 Page 259
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260 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGY Professors 1836 Thomas Bell 1927 1905 Arthur Dendy So 1925 Julian Sorell Huxley 1949 Doris Livingston Mackinnon Sc LL James Frederic Danielli Ph Sc LBiol Readers 1921 Doris Livingston Mackinnon Sc 1946 Benjamin Dawes Sc 1949 Sidnie Milana Manton Sc 1959 DONALD RAMSAY ARTHUR Sc Ph Sc Biol Lecturers Herbert Willoughby Lyle George dward Nicholls Sc Richard Williams Harold Row Sc Doris Livingston Mackinnon Sc Margaret Tribe Sc 1927 Francis William Rogers Brambell Ph Sc 1936 Benjamin Dawes Sc 1948 Feb Donald Ramsay Arthur Sc Ph 1901 1907 1911 1919 Sidnie Milana Manton Sc Margaret Elizabeth Brown Ph John Leonard Cloudsley-Thompson Ph Leonard Gerald Eugene bell Sc Ph Christopher Barry Cox Ph Eric albert Barnard Sc Ph lewis wolpert Sc Eng Ph Assistant Lecturers 1930 1934 1939 1943 1946 960 1956 1906 1916 1918 1921 1923 1925 1927 1928 1929 1931 1907 1914 Benjamin Dawes Sc Marjorie Allanson Sc Ph Geoffrey Greensmith Tickers Sc Leslie Rose Dixey Sc Sidnie Milana Manton Sc John Leonard Cloudsley-Thompson Ph Freda Bowyer Sc Ph Christopher Barry Cox Ph 1958 Jan Eric Albert Barnard Sc Ph Elizabeth Grace Wilson Sc Ph Lewis Wolpert Sc CEng 1959 Francis Edmund Cox Sc Shirley Elizabeth Hawkins Sc Ph Dec Roderick Campbell Fisher Ph Robin John Cole Sc 1959 1960 Demonstrators 1931 William Woodland Sc Erik Hamilton Sc Margaret Tribe Sc Leslie Muriel Frederick Sc Humphrey Godwin Iiillinghurst Marjorie Erskine Shaw Sc Maria Adriana Tazelaar Sc Maad Jessie Norris Sc Marjorie Allanson Sc Ph Frank Wyeth Sc Sc Hon Dem Assistant Demonstrators Richard Williams Harold Row Sc 1920 Humphrey Erik Hamilton Sc 1932 1934 1937 1943 1944 1947 Elinor Mary Brown Sc Elizabeth Mary Gaffney Sc Leslie Rose Dixey Sc Alan Fisk Sc Maurice Debenham Froud Sc Alan Fisk Sc Muriel Joan Froud Sc Daphne Lake Payne Sc Margaret Rider Sc Godwin Billinghurst For Practical Chemistry Comparative Anatomy Mineralogy Geology and Mineralogy Geology and Geography uith Mineralogy Biology Natural History Psychology and Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology see former Calendars Hon Lecturer 1927-32 Afterwards Secretary of the Zoological Society and and subsequently Secretary to Afterwards Professor in the University of Wales Afterwards Professor in the University of Khartoum
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