Calendar: 1961-1962 Page 208
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Page content
208 SYLLABUS OF CLASSES Efficiency of heat engines and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Carnot's Principle the thermodynamic scale of temperature entropy and its applications Elementary steam and gas cycles Principles of combustion calculations Mixtures of perfect gases and of gases and vapours dew point relative humidity and wet-bulb temperature Engineering Drawing Graphical integration Isometric projection The drawing and sketching of engineering details and assemblies The use of British Standards Specifications Limits and fits Electrical Technology The system Electric and magnetic fields The electric circuit-Kirchhoff's Laws The magnetic circuit The elementary laws of electromagnetism The generator and motor Analysis of voltage and current distributions in simple circuits Power Polyphase circuits Single phase and polyphase alternators The transformer vector diagram of currents and voltages Rectification simple circuit arrangements Elements of electronics Moving coil moving iron and dynamometer instruments Measurement of current voltage and power in and circuits -for engineering students Engineering students will be required to attend only those parts of the foregoing courses which relate more particularly to the purely chemical engineering aspects of the subjects treated therein Such students will devote an equivalent amount of time to further in- struction in suitable branches of chemistry and will attend the following courses General Theoretical Chemistry Inorganic and Physical Vapour pressure and distillation nature of vapour pressure curves for mixtures of liquids composition of vapour phase constant boiling mixtures fractional distillation-Law of mass action and velocity of reaction principles of mass action and the factors affecting chemical equilibrium velocity of reaction and catalysis-Chemical thermo- dynamics application of general thermodynamical principles to chemical reactions equilibrium from the standpoint of thermo- dynamics heat of reaction effect of temperature on chemical equi- libria-Fuels and combustion-Industrial gases-Electrochemistry
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