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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1961-1962-200

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Page content

SYLLABUSES OF COURSES 199 Heat and Thermodynamics II Consideration of systems involving heat transfer Conduction Mechanism of conduction Steady and non-steady conduction Conduction through bodies of various shapes Convection Mechanism of convection Forced and natural con- vection-correlation of experimental results for various cases Radiation Introduction to the theory of radiation Radiation from solids and gases Radiation from luminous flames Consideration of quantum theory in relation to the properties of gases at high temperatures Applied Mechanics and II Machine Design-Drawing office practice Assessment of design from point of view of manufacture Consideration of the choice of engineering materials Standardization and the use of preferred number series Advanced design of machine elements Design for fatigue Design for creep Applied Mechanics-More advanced study of vibrating systems Torsional oscillations Absorption of vibrations Engine balancing Non-linear vibrations Analysis of simple non-linear systems Gyro- scopes Control Systems-types of Control components and elements of systems Automatic Control Servomechanics Open and closed loop systems Frequency response Stability and methods of stabilization Graphical representation of performance Electrical Theory 11 Network theorems matrix methods Transient response of linear networks the Fourier integral Field theory MaxwelTs equations The Poynting vector and the Poynting theorem Wave guides with rectangular and with circular profile Elementary relativity con- siderations Analysis of non-linear circuits Linear theory of servo- mechanisms Electrical Power Transmission line calculations electrical and mechanical Travelling waves and transient phenomena on transmission systems Symmetrical component analysis unbalanced faults High voltage phenomena dielectrics Interconnection and stability of power systems Auto- matic control Power rectifiers and inverters Electric traction systems
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