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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-472

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OF THE COUNCIL compared with £10 560 in 1954-55 This difference was almost entirely due to fewer students being in residence during the latter part of the session Expenditure for the present year was £10 653 last year £9 871 The increase was mainly accounted for by considerable expenditure on the replacement of furniture and equipment necessary after eight years' occupation As result the year's working showed deficit of £445 leaving an accumulated surplus at July 31st 1956 of £1 880 Genekal The urgent need for strengthening the Faculty of Theology in the University of London was expressed by the Board of Studies in Theology in its Quinquennial Policy Report for 1957-62 The small number of Appointed and Recognised Teachers is finding the work of under- graduate and postgraduate supervision and examining more than it can efficiently carry out The Board requested the University to appoint four new Appointed Teachers and expressed the hope that the University would set up its own Institute of Theology to serve the needs of theo- logical teaching and research to deal with external students and to cope adequately with the demands of postgraduate work That the University Authorities are sensitive to this urgent need was made clear in the Report by the Principal of the University for the year 1955-56 He dealt in detail with the history and intricacies of the problem and ended on the following hopeful note The Academic Council has again recommended the institution of further senior posts in the Faculty of Theology as part of the development policy for the coming quinquennium The need is urgent since in the three Theological Schools other than King's College there are no University Professors or Readers one School has two Recognised Teachers another one and the third none After giving much thought to the problem am convinced that if we are to develop Faculty of Theology worthy of the University it cannot be done by adding still further to the number of Professors who are not officially attached to any School The only course is to build up proper teaching and research cadre in non-denomina- tional multi-faculty School which is in receipt of grant from the Court hope that development on these lines will be feasible in the coming quinquennium The Council of King's College welcomes this desire of the University to strengthen the University Faculty of Theology
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