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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-460

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Page content

lxxiv ANNUAL REPORT Imperial Chemical dustries Ltd In- Indian Government Institute of Marine En- gineers Institute of Metals Institute of Welding Institution of Civil En- gineers Institution of Engineers Shipbuilders in Scotland Institution of Mechanical Engineers International Mathematical Union King's College London Engineering Society King's College London Union Society Leeds University Lisbon Institute para Alta Cultura Liverpool City Librarian London University Gold- smiths' Librarian Libraries of the Dyestuffs Division 1955 Strouts others edd Analytical chemistry the working tools vols 1955 Sulphuric acid manufacture uses 1955 Indian Farming vol 6- Indian Journal of Agricultural Science vol 26- Indian Journal of Veterinary Science vol 26- Transactions vol 68- Journal vol 84- British Welding Journal vol 2- Proceedings vol 5- Transactions vol 98- Chartered Mechanical Engineer vol 3- Proceedings vol 169- Proceedings Automobile Div 1953- Levi-Civita Le probleme des corps en relativite generale 1950 Lichnerowicz Theories relativistes de la gravitation et de l'olectro-magnetisme 1955 King's Engineer no 33- Lucifer King's College Review Vol 54- Publications titles of theses 1952-53 1955 Sousa Provas da historia genealogica da Casa Real Portuguesa tomo i-ii 1954 And other vols of Portuguese His- tory Liverpool Libraries Museums Art Committee Bulletin Vol nos 1-2 1955 Catholic Encyclopaedia 16 vols 1913 supplement 1922 University of London Library List of Periodicals 1956 And 18 other books and periodicals
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