Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 458
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Page content
Ixxii ANNUAL REPORT Veh Dr Otto Wav Mr Wehner Mrs Κ Weightman Dr Wells Dr Wellwood Mr Wemyss General Sir Col- ville White Col Wickelgren Dr Wilson Prof Ε Winnington-Ingram Prof Wormald Prof Zoias Prof Veh Beitrage zu Menander Protektor 1955 Caesar Alexandrian African Spanish wars Eng trans by Way 1955 Balzac Works 20 vols 1855-63 Twentieth Century nos 936 940 948 1955-56 Howe The geology of building stones 1910 And other vols on Geology Burgon Lives of Twelve Good Men 1891 Coignet Les cahiers du capitaiue Coignet publ par Larchey 1907 Bartlett Psychology the soldier 1927 Henry the Minstrel The metrical history of Sir William Wallace 1790 Wickelgren trans Some gems of early lyrical poetry translated fr Old French 1955 Wilson Quevedo for the masses 1955 Winnington-Ingram others Frag- ments of unknown Greek tragic texts with musical notation 1955 Eliot Sermon preached in Magdalene College Chapel 1948 Athens University Yearbook of the School of Philosophy 1954-56 GIFTS BY INSTITUTIONS LEARNED SOCIETIES AND BUSINESS FIRMS Astronomer Royal Australia Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization Cape Observatory Annals vol 19- Greenwich Astronomical Results 1942-46 Greenwich Results Greenwich 1946-47 Sunspot geomagnetic-storm 1874-1954 1955 Australian Journal of Agricultural Re- search vol 7- Australian Journal of Applied Science vol 7- Magnetic Meteorological 1942-46 Photo-Heliographic Results data
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