Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 456
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ANNUAL REPORT Findlay Prof Garmonsway Prof Garner Mr Gildersleeve Dr Graham Prof Grant Mrs Graveson Prof Grundy Miss Harley Mr Hey Prof Hills Mr Howard Mr Μ Hutton Mr Jenkins Prof Findlay Meinong's theory of objects 1933 Holt The concept of consciousness 1914 Russell The philosophy of logical atomism 1918-19 Mead Incunabula in the Huntington Library 1937 Garner The public control of land 1956 Gildersleeve Many good crusade memoirs 1954 Sandwell Canada 1941 Creighton Dominion of the North 1947 Howitt The British sportsman 1812 Howitt new work of Animals designed from the fables of Aesop Gray Phaedrus 1811 Spielmann The history of Punch 1895 And 17 other vols of English literature Graveson La evasion de la ley del matrimonio en Estados Unidos en Inglaterra 1956 Graveson Le Systeme juridique de l'Angleterre" de Levy-UUmann l'opinion d'un juriste anglais 1956 Bernard Recueil des traitez de paix etc vols 1700 Maltby Lexicon Graeco-Prosodiacum Ed 2a 1824 Howell Medulla Historiae Anglicanae 1712 Hatt others Anti-composition tables for carbon compounds CH CHO CHS CHOS 1955 Hey Schools of Chemistry in Gt Britain Ireland King's College London 1955 Hills The law of accounting 1954 Trochu Oeuvres posthumes vols 1896 And vols of Military History Church The porch The stronghold 1947 Runciman The Eastern Schism 1955 And 15 volumes of Modern Greek history and literature
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