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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-452

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lxvi ANNUAL REPORT Brownlee Mode of action of polymyxin Ε at skeletal myoneural junction Com Pharm 80c July 1956 Darbre laboratory course of biochemistry for medical students 75 pp Royal Society Darbre and Norris Vitamins in germination The determination of free and com- bined inositol in germinating oats Biochem In press Fadl and McDowall Spontaneous activity of smooth muscle י Com Internat Cong Physiol Brussels July 1956 Hughes McDowall and Soliman Sodium chloride and smooth muscle Physiol 1956 In press Jones and McDowall Spontaneous activity in cardiac muscle Com Internat Cong Physiol Brussels July 1956 Knox and McDowall The action of the vagus 'י Contribution to The Control of the Circulation of the Blood Leach The effect of nervous stimulation and drugs on guinea-pig uterus Com Pharm 80c July 1956 Estimation of drug antagonisms on the isolated guinea-pig vas deferens Pharm and Pharmacol Vol 501 McDowall The Control of the Circulation of the Blood Longmans 1937 with 7000 references reprinted by Dawson Sons with Supplement by nine various authors including four from Sweden and Italy In press The effects of anoxia The Control of the Circulation of the Blood Handbook of Physiology John Murray 42nd ed 767 pp McDowall Munro and Zayat Sodium chloride and cardiac muscle Physiol 1955 130 616 Norris and Darbre יי The microbiological assay of inositol with strain of schizosac- charomyces pombe Analyst 1956 81 pp 394-400 Paterson Hypersensitivity of denervated skeletal muscle to drugs Com Pharm Soc July 1956
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