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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-451

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ANNUAL REPORT lxv DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Bilbey Posterior dislocation of the shoulder joint Brit Med In press Bilbey and Nicol Normal blood picture of the guinea-pig Nature 176 1218 1955 MacKinnon Variations in palmar sweating during pregnancy '1 Obstet ώ Gynaec LXII no August 1955 The relation of the capacity of the human skull to its roent- genological length American of Roentgenology Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Vol LXXIV no December 1955 Hazards of the menstrual cycle Brit Med Vol 555 1956 Seasonal sweating Nature 177 799 1956 Nicol and Bilbey Effect of cortisone on the blood Nature 177 524 1956 Nicol and Snell Effect of cortisone on the reticulo-endothelial system Nature 177 430 1956 Snell Effect of denervation on the histochemical appearance of cholin- esterase at the myoneural junction Nature 176 884 1955 Changes in the histochemical appearances of cholinesterase at the motor end plate following denervation Brit Exp Path Vol XXXVII no February 1956 Snell and Nicol Effect of cortisone on the serum gamma-globulin Nature 177 578 1956 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY Bowyer The kinetics of the penetration of non-electrolytes into the mammalian erythrocyte Int Rev Cytol 1955 Bowyer and Widdas The facilitated transfer of glucose and related compounds across the erythrocyte membrane Faraday Society Discussion on Membrane Phenomena In press Inhibition of the hexose transfer system in erythrocytes Com XX Internat Physiol Congress In press
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