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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-405

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ANNUAL REPORT xix The Council of tho Royal Society placed at the disposal of Dr Chapman to assist his research £936 from the Scientific Investigations Fund The Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Ltd presented milling machine to the Faculty of Engineering The Superheater Co Ltd presented forty books of steam tables to the Faculty of Engineering Mr Vassilissin presented to the College an etching commemorat- ing the first meeting and formation of the College 12 COLLEGE SOCIETIES AND ACTIVITIES The Union Society again enjoyed happy and successful year The Constitution was revised in order to simplify the administrative work of the Society to increase efficiency and to allow the officers more time for academic pursuits The Society remained disaffiliated from the National Union of Students but sent representative to the Informal Conference of University Unions during the Easter Vacation The close link with the Lion Club was maintained the Executive Committee enjoyed visiting the Club and many members of the Union Society have helped in its organisation very popular Cabaret held during the Michaelmas Term and the President's Appeal together raised £111 for the Club In addition the Union Society provided flag-sellers for various charities and the traditional carol singing in the West End was even more successful than last year raising over £480 for St Duns tan's Commemoration Week was as usual great success The Com- memoration Sermon was preached by the Most Reverend Ramsey then Bishop of Durham The Oration was delivered by Brigadier Sir John Hunt Leader of the British Everest Expedition on the theme of Leadership new feature was the performance by the Music Society of The Pirates of Penzance an enthusiastic production which enjoyed well-earned success At the Debate the speakers were the Presidents of the Oxford Cambridge and Bristol Unions who also attended the Ball at Claridges Other traditional events the Concert and the Supper and Dance in College brought the Week to successful close The Principal's Cup was awarded to the Faculty of Natural Science During the Michaelmas and Lent Terms the Drama Society presented Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral in large number of churches in the London area and also in the College Chapel donation was made to the Lion Club as result of collections taken at these performances Departmental Societies were active in producing language plays feature of undergraduate life which has attracted favourable notice to the College In the Michaelmas Term Fencing Gala was held at which members of the College and University Fencing Teams performed together with
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