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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-401

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ANNUAL REPORT XV Mr Ν Garmonsway upon whom the University has conferred the title of Professor of English Language His distinction in this field of study has long been known and his work both for undergraduates and for postgraduates has been much appreciated The College is most happy that it is at last in position to acknowledge its indebtedness to him in practical way The Departments of Geography and Physiology also have suffered from an insufficiency of Appointed Teachers and the College welcomes the steps taken by the University to establish Readerships in both these Departments It is pleasure to welcome our Senior Lecturer Dr Widdas to the new Readership in Physiology and Dr Pugh formerly of University College Ibadan to the Readership in Geography We also welcome to the Readership in Mechanical Engineering Dr Williams formerly of Swansea University College who will strengthen the teaching and research of that Department Some years ago the University introduced new regulations for the Sc General degree which was enthusiastically taken up by King's College excellent progress has been made with it The University has not yet decided to reorganise the General degree on the same lines but many teachers of the University strongly support such plan King's College is very sympathetic to this and has decided to demand three years' full-time study on courses prescribed for that degree from all students entering upon them from October 1956 onwards This has meant extra courses of lectures and an increase in the number of optional courses and in order to carry out the extra teaching involved one additional Assistant Lecturer has been appointed in each of the Depart- ments of English French German and History Developments in technology have led to reorganisation of the Faculty of Engineering which comprised the Department of Electrical Engineering and the combined Department of Civil Mechanical and Chemical Engineering under the headship of the Professor of Civil Engineering Representations were made that in modern conditions it would be better for relations with industry institutions and outside bodies if each section were separate and independent This separation has involved the alteration by the University of the terms of appoint- ment of those members of the staff who are Appointed Teachers and there are now in addition to Electrical Engineering independent departments of Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering the first two under professors and the third under the Director of Chemical Engineering Studies The University Grants Committee on its tour of quinquennial visita- tion visited the College in February The visitors were shown every- thing in the College likely to rouse their interest and sympathy and they were given also the fullest opportunity to meet all sections of the academic staff and of the students both undergraduate and post- graduate for full and frank discussions of their difficulties and problems a3
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