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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-345

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 349 Elected Name Faculty 1956 Pegg David Edward Medicine 1942 Pellant Walter Reginald Guy Theology 1941 Pemberton Wilfred Austin Theology 1954 Pendleton David Julian Theology 1939 Penfold Leonard William Theology 1956 Penna Roger Arts 1954 Penny Phyllis Joan Alts 1938 Perry Arthur Sidney Theology 1956 Perry Joyce Brenda Arts 1948 Perry Victor Harry Theology 1954 Perryman Judith Chabot Sc Science 1951 1950 1948 Pett Douglas Ellory Theology 1947 Peverley William Robinson Theology 1946 Philip Peter Forbes Medicine 1957 Phillips Heather Marion Arte 1956 Philpott John Peter Sc Science 1950 1949 Pickering William Stuart Theology 1948 Pike Horace Douglas Theology 1947 Pike Kenneth Charles BA Arts 1943 Pilkington Henry Bdgar Arts 1949 Pinder Charles Theology 1938 Piper Laura Catherine Arts 1960 Pitcher Ronald Charles Frederick 1949 Playford Pamela BA Arts 1941 Pocock Herbert Charles Theology 1956 Poil Ronald Wickens Theology 1949 Pollard Clifford Francis Theology 1947 Pooley Mary BA Arte 1944 Porcher Frederick James Sc Engineering 1949 Porter Dennis Percy Sc Science 1948 Porter Geoffrey Ernest Theology 1954 Pothen John Theology 1952 Potter David Arts 1956 Potter Sheila Arts 1941 Potter William Edward Sc Science 1947 Potts Eric Sc Science 1956 1954 Poulton Arthur Leslie Arts 1960 Poulton John Frederick BA Aits 1952 Powell Frank Theology 1939 Powell Thomas Edward Sc Science 1949 Powrie Peter James Arts 1946 Prentis James Martin Sc Engineering 1951 Presswell John Lawrence Rowley 1952 Price John Harding Medical 1938 Price John Lowry Augus'iue Theology 1938 Price Roy Ernest Theology 1948 Prince Dennis Alan Ford Theology 1939 Pringle Mary Sc Medicine 1938 Pritt George Gilbert Theology 1950 1952 Proctor Dorothy Mary Sc Science 1954 Proctor Hugh Sc Engineering 1956 Prophet nie Pratt Elizabeth Jennifer one Arte 1943 Pruden Margaret Elizabeth BA Arts 1950 1951 1939 Prytherch Harry Vaughan Theology 1941 Pugh Ernest William Theology
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