Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 338
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342 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty 1947 Grant Reginald Charles Digby Sc Engineering 1952 Grant Rodney Arthur Theology 1947 Graves Muriel Edith Arte 1940 Gray Cyril Samuel Theology 1955 Gray Donald Clifford Theology 1950 1948 Arts 1948 Green Harold William Sc Science 1954 Green John Theology 1954 Green Leslie James Theology 1948 Green Peter Shaw Sc Science 1948 Greene John Howe Theology 1956 Greenfield Ian David Theology 1952 Griffiths Geoffrey Ernest Theology 1948 Griffiths John Frederick Sc Science 1938 Griffiths John Whitmore Theology 1938 Griffiths Rupert Sc Engineering 1953 Grindell Duncan Holmes Sc Engineering 1955 Groom Anthony John Wigton Arte 1945 1939 Gundry Dudley William Th Theology 1941 Gundry Ernest Arthur Clement Theology 1950 Gunner Reginald Arthur Henry Arte 1956 Gunstone Richard Frank Sc Science 1954 Gurnett Sybil Ann Arts 1955 Gurr Ralph Sydney Theology 1938 Guttridge Henry Noel Theology 1939 Hackforth Henry Llewellyn Sc Science 1953 Hackshall Brian Leonard Theology 1947 Hails George Arthur Arts 1942 Halfpenny Donald Henry Sc Science 1948 Hall Frances Margaret Sc Science 1942 Art 1938 Halsey Henry David Arte 1942 Hamilton Robert John Sc Science 1952 Arts Mt 1944 Hands Roderick Kirton Arte 1945 Handsaker Philip Arte 1954 Hardaker Leonard Theology 1956 Harding Geoffrey Wright LL Laws 1945 1945 Harding Kathleen Mary Medicine 1939 Harding Kathleen Maureen LL Aegrotat Laws 1945 1952 Hare Ian Robert Arts 1951 1948 Harley Betty Irene Sc Science 1947 Harper Constance Anne Arte 1945 Harper Irene Mary Sc Science 1939 Harris Alan Henry Arts 1948 Harris Phyllis Mary Arts 1938 Harrison Henry Ferguson Sc Science 1950 Harrison John Rufford Sc Science 1954 Harte Frederick George Theology 1952 Hartley Herbert Theology 1954 Harvey Clifford Maurice Arte 1940 Harvey John Ray Theology 1944 Hathaway Aubrey Desmond BA- Arte 1953 Hawkins Denis Alan Sc Science 1956 Hawkins Shirley Elizabeth Sc Science 1940 Hawtin Charles Sc Science 1929 Hayter Frank Walter Sc Science
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