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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-336

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340 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty 1940 Doran Sidney William Theology 1940 Dorling Lawrence Robert Theology 1942 Douglas Ian Henderson Sc Science 1946 Douglas Joy Marjorie Medicine 1946 1944 Doust John WDliam Lovett Sc Medicine 1954 Dove Arthur Allan Sc Science 1952 Dowman John Frederick Theology 1955 Dubbey John Michael Sc Science 1942 Dudley Norman Sc Science 1940 Dunbar George Alban Oharles Theology 1952 Duncan Peter Harold Furlong Theology 1952 Dunlop Arthur John Theology 1938 Durham Bernard John Arts 1948 Dyer Dennis Anthony Sc Science 1949 Dyson Ronald Geoffrey Arte 1954 Eales Stanley William Edward Sc Engineering 1954 Earwaker Jean Vaughan Arte 1950 Eddy Marjorie Arte 1949 Edwards Albert George Sc Science 1950 1952 Edwards Bertie Arthur John Sc Science 1938 Edwards Dudley James Milne Theology 1941 Edwards Emrys Lloyd Sc Science 1950 1939 Eke Robert Foord StansSeld Theology 1954 Ekpunobi Christian Chukwunweike LL Laws 1952 Eldrid John Gisborne Charteris Theology 1947 Eldridge Francis Henry Theology 1956 Elgar Frederick Stanton Theology 1945 Elklngton Margaret Sc Science 1942 Ellacott Marjorie Gwendolen Arts 1952 Ellens Gordon Frederick Theology 1955 Elliott Colin David Theology 1941 Elliott Frederick Sc Science 1940 Flmslie Stewart Kayser Bayntin Theology 1949 Elstone John Kenrick Theology 1957 Elwin Philip Michael Medicine 1938 Emmerson Ralph Theology 1946 Endreweit Eleanor Margaret Sc Science 1954 Ennor Kenneth Stafford Sc Science 1956 Eustice Peter Lafevre Theology 1955 Evans David Richard Theology 1947 Evans Denys Roberts Theology 1942 Evans John Oliver Theology 1955 Evans Joseph Sc Science 1939 Evans Lilias Mary Sc Science 1946 Evans Muriel Janet Arts 1942 Arte 1953 Evans Stanley Munro Theology 1954 Evans Thomas Norman Theology 1947 1942 Eyre Aidan John Richmond Theology 1941 Eyres Leslie Theology 1939 Fair Donald Robert Russell Sc Science 1954 Fargus Gavin James Frederick Theology 1938 Fawcett James Ralph Llewelyn Rees Theology 1954 Feakes Bruce Alan Sc Science 1949 Fenn Sheila Mary Sc Science 1952 Ferdinand Ivan Randolph Medical 1947 Fernando Neville Walter Theology 1953 Finney Frank Norman Sc Science
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