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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-313

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Page content

317 Collins Trevor Forrester Dorothy Ruth Faculty of Theology Ph Davies David Vernon EXAMINATION Second Class Honours fMann Robert Francis Bradbury Alan Harry Brook Charles John tClark Elizabeth Emily Florence Cloney Margaret Ann Godden David John Griffiths Margaret Cecilia Henderson Janet Mason Iorns Olive Miller Ursula Mary fPearcy Vernon Charles Potts James Rofe Bernard John Salt David Thomas Whitehorn Stokes Jacqueline Margaret Ingham Young Gordon Mawson External Candidate Aegrotat Kohner Eugene George SPECIAL INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION Bailey Annette Rose Burrows Samuel Reginald Christmas Alan Frederick Cooke John Stephen Daniels Beryl Howard Donald Hughes Patricia Lewis Isaacs Marie Elizabeth Jeffery Robert Martin Colquhoun Jones Anthony Spacie Loughton Michael Mellor Enid Beatrice Pring Althon Kerrigan Tann David John Tanner Jill Candidates partially exempt who completed the Special Intermediate Examination Coney Mary Margaret Copping John Frank Walter Victor Hawkins Roger David William West Brenda Olive Whitehead Frederick Keith EXAMINATION FOR THE ACADEMIC DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY Moss Brenda Mary Ethel EXAMINATION FOR THE EXTERNAL DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY Hall Edna Marjery Hunsley Patricia Mande EXAMINATION FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE Hurst Sylvia Mary Ludlow Margaret Elizabeth Christie Richardson Betty Jean Vivash Eileen The following students passed in one part of the Examination Fleming Joan Parnaby Joan
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