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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-306

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310 EXAMINATION SUCCESSES 1956 Third Class Honours Ansdell John Norman Bird John Bolton Capps Clive Collins William Terence Creech Trevor Thomas Divall Michael Robert Green Stephen David Gutteridge Ronald James Haynes John Kenneth Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Mathematics Heeds William Hall Robert Herbert Jenkins John Halem Knight Gordon Henry Mardell Richard James Phillips John Smith Douglas William Winn Gerald Charles Baigent Edith Anna Pass Old Regulations Zoology Dulin Alan Leonard Zoology Part I-Botany Alexander Keith Bailey Edith Margaret Boniface Anthony David Brookes Brian Sydney Hunt Brenda Margaret Correction to Calendar for 1956-57 306 Anthony Paul Lee Margaret Mary Olding Dennis Perkins Colin Blackmore Williams Michael Arnold for Williamson Anthony Paul read Wilkinson Part I-Chemistry Barlow Donald Frederick Morgan John Richard Brown David Norman Oakes John Chettoe John Aubrey Laugham Palmer Leonard WUliam Clarke Michael Pearce Alan William Crossley Neville Stanton Pearce Roger Garrod Curtis Robin Geoffrey Sparrow Edwin Julian Darby Arthur Carl Spickernell Graham James Hawking Gordon John Williams Richard Light Gareth Alan Young Peter William Morgan Alistair Ralph Berridge Neil George Fryer John David Russell Harvey Jill Raymonde Hawkins Ronald David Part I-Geology Holt Colin Thomas John Michael Turner David Charles Part I-Physics Bralsford Raymond Clark Richard Stanley Crickmer John Richard Foulkes Elizabeth Fuller Watson Gordon Julian Harris Peter Victor Inglis Stuart Arthur Limbrey Susan Penelope McCulloch Brian Stanley Male John Clement Mansell David John O'Neill Peter Laurence Poole Michael William Prior John Roger Proctor John Howard Risk David Duncan Leslie Scowen Brian Arthur Smith Arthur Joseph Smol Gabriel Vuillermoz Maxime Louis Watts Terence Leslie Wilson Ian James Wilson John Patrick Wood Anthony Richard Yapp Christopher Charles Young Peter Grafton Craig
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