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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-298

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302 EXAMINATION SUCCESSES 1956 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON EXAMINATIONS Faculty of Arts Khan Rusi Framroz Ley Charles David Ph Philosophy Malone Joseph James Spanish Watson Anthony Irvine External Candidate Modern History Spanish Lefebure Erich Alexander Classics Ley Annette Somers French Milroy James Robert Dunlop English Morgan Theodore David Education Murray Alexander Lovell History Rae Norman Frederick Smieja Florian Ludwik Smith Sheila Ann Smith Sheila Mary Veevers Erica Elsine English Spanish English English English Awarded Mark of Distinction UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTSHIPS Harvey Peter Martin French "Waller Kenneth Charles Classics Johnstone Haddon Croft Classics Wollaston Eric Peter Maurice Sparkes Brian Allison Classics History MARY ANN BRITT STUDENTSHIP IN ENGLISH Schofleld Audrey GEORGE WILLIAM BRITT SENIOR STUDENTSHIP IN MODERN LANGUAGES O'Regan Michael James French FRIDA MOND STUDENTSHIP FOR LITERARY STUDIES AND STUDENTSHIP UNDER GERMAN EXCHANGE SCHEME Manning John Roger Davys German ARTHUR PLATT STUDENTSHIP IN CLASSICS Adams Gordon Dudley UNIVERSITY STUDENTSHIPS Button Brian Spanish Sidnell Michael John Henderson John Arnold French English EXAMINATION FOR THE ACADEMIC DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Isotta Giovanni Trevor Coldrey Rolls Ian Frank Lilley Irene May EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION Andrews John Brand David Bailey Peter Alfred Brown Michael Colin Baker John William Clarkson Malcolm William
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