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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-289

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Page content

faculty of natural science 1956-57 293 Barley David Michael Sc Burrow Colin Dennis Sc Chang Shih Sc Peking Chaplin Arthur Frederick Sc Chaudhury Jamuneswar Sc Calcutta Cotton Deidre Montgomery Sc New Zealand Crawley John Cornelius William Sc Dart Michael Charles Sc Manchester Davies David Ian Sc Davison Ronald Meric Sc Auckland Dean Paul Jeremy Sc Druce Catherine Gordon Sc Duell Michael John Sc Dyer Alan Sc Sheffield Bade John Francis Sc Ellis Reginald John Sc Emerson Peter James Sc Ennor Kenneth Stafford Sc Evans Michael Edwin Glyn Sc Fisher Michael Ellis Sc Foster William Rees Sc French William John Sc Nottingham Guthrie Roy David Sc Hallsworth Alan Sisson Β Sc Manchester Hamilton Louie Oxford Hanford John Sc Hawkins Shirley Elizabeth Sc Hewson-Browne Rodney Charles Sc Hirschfeld Nomi Sc New Zealand Hocking Leslie Morison Sc Holder George Alan Sc Holmes Enid Gillian Sc Hoppett Isla Maureen Sc Horton George Mountjoy Sc Hurd David Leonard Sc Husain Athur Sc Punjab Isaacs Louis David Sc Jackson William Roy Sc Manchester Johnston Keith Mitchell Sc Jones John Graham Talfourd Sc Joseph Valentine Sc Ceylon Kalk Margaret Sc Kirby David Sc Ph Lambert Robert Wilson Sc Langridge Robert Sc Lazarson Theodore Sc Durham Leigh George Jeffery Sc Liverhant Solomon Elieser Sc Long Richard Arthur John Sc Maddy Alun Harris Sc Harder Leslie Sc Southampton Martin Roger Willoughby Sc Marvin Donald Arthur Yale May Marian Sibyl Sc Meek Brian Lawrence Sc Mobbs Betty Sc Edinburgh Morris Barbara Hilda Sc Mould Henry Manifold Sc Moulden Howard Neilson Sc Moynehan Terence Michael Sc Mulier Ralph Louis Junius So Newcombe Gillian Barbara Sc Nicholls Barry Sc Manchester Paul Derek Henry Sc Perry man Judith Chabot Sc Phillips Michael Iז So Rahman Riaz-Ur Sc Punjab Ralph John Ernest Sc Rea Philip Charles Sc Richards Brian Mansel Sc Wales Ridley Robert George Sc Riley Thomas Sc Royce Barrio Saunders Hart Sc Sanderson William Anthony Sc Saunders Frederick Charles Sc Wales Scott Keith Taylor Sc Seeds William fitienne Sc Dublin Ph Shaw Charles James Granville Sc Sherman William Francis Sc Shingleton Derek Alan Sc Silvester Norman Rix Sc Skelhorn Raymond Richard Sc Slade Peter Sc Spencer Neill Sc Leeds Stein Wilfred Donald Sc Witwatersrand Steptoe Brian John Sc Stone John Alfred Sc Straughan Donald William Sc Thomas Alfred Sc Manchester Thompson Sheila Cambridge Thurrell Reginald George Sc Todd Sylvia Joan Sc Tupper Brian Owen Joseph Sc Van Der Burg Michael George Julian Sc Vosper Alan John Sc Wain George William Sc Walmsley Donald Sc Ware Colin Clement Sc Wheeler Alan William Sc Wilkins Malcolm Barrett Sc Wilkinson Anthony Paul Sc Wilkinson George Randall Sc Williams Brian John Sc Williams John Leonard Sc Williams Margaret Ann Sc Wilson Elizabeth Grace Sc Wilson Herbert Rees Sc Ph Wales Wolpert Lewis Sc Witwatersrand Wood Colin Francis McDermott Sc Wright Stanley Bernard Sc Young Douglas William Ph St An- drews Zafarallah Mohammed Sc Punjab Zucker Israel John Sc Part-time Beadle Sydney Martin Sc Bryan Bruce Sc Queensland Divers John Frederick Richard Sc Elliott Gerald Frank Oxford
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