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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-287

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FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE 1956-57 291 Light Gareth Alan Lightowlers Edward Charles Limbrey Susan Penelope Lord Brian lies Lowe John David McClelland Margaret Helen McCulloch Brian Stanley McDonald Denis Albert Nicholas McDonald Eric Mackie Robert Wallace McLeod Robert Imrie McQuillan Geoffrey Peter Male John Clement Malin Stuart Robert Charles Mansell David John Marriott Eric Stuart Martin Rees Richard Masterson John Stuart Mathias Philip Anthony Matthews Jeremy Harvey Mercer Barbara Metcalf Derrick John Midgley Jenifer Milford George Frederick Millard Anthony John Minski Margaret Jane Mitchell Malcolm Frederick Mitchell Robert Dudley Mooney Anthony Albert James Morden Anthony Archibald Morgan Alistair Ralph Morgan Gerald Edward Morgan John Richard Morgan John Vivian Naylor Alan Iliffe Noakes David Edward Nobes Jean Margaret Oakes John Oakley John Leslie Olding Dennis O'Neill Peter Laurence O'Reilly Michael Francis Orman Stanley Owens Jack Moore Page Michael John Palmer Leonard William Palmer Rex Alfred Panchen Kenneth Edmund Paradine Margaret Anne Parker Graham Howard Parkhouse Robert Michael Evans Parkinson Alan Parrott Gillian Pasby Brian Frederick Patrick Henry Andrew Patten John Philip Patterson David Malcolm Pearce Alan William Pearce Roger Garrod Pears Norman Victor Pearson Alan John Perkins Michael John Perry Brian John Petry John Raymond Pica Gillian Valerie Pick Valerie Evelyn Pittard Reginald Herbert Plimmer Donald Alfred John Poole Michael William Poulter Bruce Presland Michael John Preston Pamela Strickland Price Neil Beynon Price Ronald Prior John Roger Pritchard Anthony John Pugh Lyndon Gordon Pullen David John Purbrick Keith James Puree Robin Francis Purdy Sheila Jean Quibell Thomas Ernest Duncan Rae Olin Daniel John Christie Raitt William John Ranee Michael James Read Arnold Wadkin Redfern Frederick Reditt David Allan Richards Martin Richmond John Alexis Riddihough Robin Paul Rigg John Christopher Roberts Barry John Robinson David Francis Robson Ian Christopher Rochester Colin Herbert Roe Michael George Rogerson James Roser Bernard Owen Royle David Rubin Lawrence Rushton Geoffrey John Rutland Michael Ronald 'Safo-Adu Richard Kwame Saunders Peter Robin Savage Margaret Elizabeth Annesley Saward Michael Peter SchafEer Arthur Geoffrey Schartau Derek Arthur Schofield Michael Henry Osborne Scott Henry George Scow en Brian Arthur Selby Edward Grenville Sellen David Bruce Senior William Arthur Sheppard David Fleetwood Sherman Warren Vincent Simmons John Arthur Simpson Geoffrey Blake Simpson John Glenn Slade Brenda Slater Joseph William Slimming David Smart Colin
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