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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-273

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 1956-57 277 Fuller Graham Drowley Garlick Peter Goddard John Goodacre David Leighton Goodridge Peter David Griffiths Thomas Hannen Peter Douglas Harrington William Harry Harrison Roy Heap Simon Robin Fortrey Hichens Anthony Hilton Clive Hind Richard Clive Streeton Hoult Roy Anthony Howard Norman Hudson John Stuart Hunt Peter John Hutchinson Paul Edward Ikin Gordon Mitchell Inman Gordon Harold Jeanes Dennis Johansen Peter Antony Lewitt Raymond Lunn Christopher James Edward McCoulough Thomas Alexander McDougal John Anthony Standen Madge Francis Sidney Marshall Peter Arthur Martineau David Richards Duram Miller John Frederick Mitchinson Frank Nicholls Michael Stanley Notman Eric Ogden Harry Pain David Clinton Pawley Clive Pearson Roy Barthram Pettingell Hubert Phillips Robin Michael Pinner Terence Malcolm William Porteous Eric John Prescott Anthony John Pyatt Noel Watson Rhodes-Wrigley James Ritson Arthur William David Robson George Robson John Phillips Roper Terence Charles Rothwell Harold Sadler John Harvey Scutter James Edward Shaw Gerald Oliver Silcock Donald John Smith David James Smith Richard Harwood Stally Arthur James Stephenson Alan Pattinson Stubley Peter Derek Symons James Edward Tedman Alfred Tilston John Sefton Tinniswood William Robert Wall Colin Edward Walters Alan Frank Warland Peter William Watson John Watson John Derrick Wilkin Sydney John Wilkinson John David Williams Hawke John Inslo Williamson Thomas George Woodhouse Keith Ian Worsdell William Charles Wratten Martyn Stephen Wyues Michael John FOURTH TEAR Angwin Richard Paul Armstead Geoffrey Malcolm Barter John Herbert Beaver Christopher Martin Bradbury Alan Harry Brook Charles John Browning Robert Frank Bunker John Herbert George Burns John MacDonald Catchpole Keith William Clark George Stephen Collett Wilfrid Arthur Collins Trevor Elgar Frederick Stanton Eustice Peter Lafevre Grant Sydney James Hackshall Brian Leonard Hewison Alan Stuart Hextall Trevor Joseph Highwood Cyril John Hinton Michael Ernest Holman Geoffrey Gladstone Ε AT WARMINSTER Hunt John William Robert Ingamells Ronald Sidney Inkpen Richard John Jordan Ronald Henry Kelly Edward William Moncrieff Lloyd Bernard James Malton William Peter Antony Marlow Walter Geoffrey Marshall Christopher John Bickford Noise Robin Allan Norton Alan James Pearcy Vernon Charles Poil Ronald Potts James Salt David Thomas Whitehorn Rcuffham Frank Leslie Seigert Karl Hans Werner Smith Jack Bernard Souper Patrick Charles Southgate Geoffrey Trevor Stroud Robert Owen Targett Clifford
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