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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-262

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266 PAST AND PRESENT STAFF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Professors 1921 Gilbert Cook So Inst CB Mech Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of Department 1935 Charles Henry Lobban Sc Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of Department 1937 Sydney John Davies Sc Eng Ph Wh Ex Mech Professor of Mechanical Engineering Head of Department from 1946 1946 Allan Dawson Ross Sc Ph Professor of civil Engineering Head of Department from 1955 1955 Leslie James Kastner Sc Mech Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing Head of Dept of Mechanical Engineering from 1956 Readers 1937 Edmund Giffen Sc Ph Mech Reader in Mechanical Engineering 1946 Leroy Arthur Beaufoy Sc Ph Mech Reader in Civil Engineering 1948 Horace Edgar Rose Sc Eng Ph Mech Reader in Mechani- cal Engineering 1949 Arnold William Hendry Sc Eng Ph 1951 John Kevin Tyrie Llewellyn Nash Reader in Civil Engineering 1956 Thomas John Williams Sc Ph Sc Reader in Mechanical Engineering Senior Lecturer 1956 Joseph Marian Zarek Dip Ing Sc Ph Mech Lecturers 1936 Leroy Arthur Beaufoy Sc Ph LMech 1935 Allan Dawson Ross Sc Inst 1937 Brian Cooper 1938 James Leonard Thomson Sc Mech 1940 Alfred Thomas John Kersey Wh Ex LMech 1944 Horace Edgar Rose Sc Eng Ph Mech 1946 Albert Henry Willis Sc Eng Wh Sch Mech Frank Gullett Watts Sc Eng Mech John Kevin Tyrie Llewellyn Nash 1949 Roy William Steed Sc Eng Ph Mech 1950 Joseph Marian Zarek Dip Ing Sc Ph Mech 1951 John Marks Plowman Sc Eng Ph 1954 Ronald Francis McMahon Sc Eng Ph 1955 Maurice John Kenn Sc Eng Sc MJ Mech William McLaren Jenkins Sc 1956 Jan william BELL gosney Sc Eng Mech Apr Richard Kennedy Dixon Sc Eng Sep Edward John Powell Sc Eng Mech Lecturer in Metallurgy 1928 Luther Singlehurst-Ward Sc 1957 Apr ANTHONY ASTON smith Ph Assistant Lecturers 1938 Henry Charles Taylor Sc Eng 1945 Harry Bolton Seed Sc 1939 Horace Edgar Rose Sc Eng 1947 Roy WiUiam Steed Sc Eng 1944 Albert Henry Willis Sc Eng Mech Demonstrators 1943 Harry Bolton Seed Sc 1944 Basil Edward Baldrey Sc Eng 1943 Mohammed Ibrahim Fawzi Sc Eng Ph Afterwards Regius Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics University of Glasgow and Afterwards Professor at Queen Mary College London Afterwards first Professor of Engineering at Gordon College Khartoum Afterwards Nuffield Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the New South Wales University of Technology Afterwards Dean of the Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham From 1947 the Department of Civil Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Separated in October 1956 into three separate departments Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering-see 29
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