Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 224
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228 NAMES OF STAFF Edwards Benjamin Alfred Sc Edwards Margaret Lois Elk ins Thomas Henry Elliott Gerald Frank Elton Lewis Richard Benjamin Sc Ph Blwell Royston William Dunlop Sc Ph Buden William Bertie Edward Fabre Michel Jacques -ts-L Findlay John Niemeyer Ph Flint John Edgar Fraeer William Sc Eng Frohlich Albrecht Sc Ph Furbank Philip Nicholas Garraonsway George Norman Gilbert Mary Enole Cecile Margarete Dr PhiL 11 111 י villi Lucia Gold Victor Sc Ph Goency William Bell 8c Kng Gossage Albert John Ph Goutbrod Nathalie -fe-L Graham Gerald Sandford Ph Graveson Ronald Harry Ph LL Green Rev Humphrey Christian Gregor Ian Ph Greig James Sc Eng Ph Griew Edward James LL Hackett Winifred Mary Phil Haineworth John Bryan Hamilton Mrs Rita -fes-L Hancock John Michael Ph Handford Stanley Alexander Harvey Henry Arthur Harvey-Kelly Robert D'Arcy Henbest Harold Bernard Sc Ph Henderson ηέ Hart Mary Hamilton Hey Donald Holroyde Ph Sc Hill Reginald Frederick Litt Hodgett Gerald Augustus John Subject or Department Senior Lecturer Tutor to Women Students Lecturer Demonstrator Lecturer Lecturer Asst Secretary Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Reader Asst Librarian Professor Reader Asst Lecturer Reader Lecturer Lecturer Assistant Rhodes Professor Professor Lecturer Asst Lecturer William Sie- mens Professor Asst Lecturer Reader Asst Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Reader Asst Librarian Lecturer Reader Asst Librarian Daniell Professor Asst Lecturer Lecturer Mathematics Theology Geography Physics Theoretical Physics Geology Library French Philosophy History Elec Eng Mathematics Library English German English Physical- Organic Chemistry Mech Eng Classics French Imperial History Law Greek English Electrical Engineering Laws Romance Philology Classics Spanish Geology Classics Library Physiology Organic Chein Library Chemistry English History
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