Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 219
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222 COURSES FOR WOMEN COURSES AND SYLLABUSES One-Year Course This course October to June includes lectures in Old Testament New Testament Church History Elementary Greek Christian Doctrine and Pastoral Theology thus providing preparation for the University of London Certificate of Proficiency in Religious Knowledge Syllabus for the Academic Diploma in Theology Old Testament History of Israel Religion of Israel II New Testament General Introduction Translation from specified book or books of the New Testament with Introduction and Exegesis Easy unprepared passages from the Gospels III Biblical Theology IV Philosophical Introduction to Theology Church History to 451 VI One of the following Hebrew ii Introduction to the Vulgate iii Comparative Study of Religions iv English Church History Christian Ethics vi History and Development of Christian Worship The Regulations for this examination which may be taken in two parts can be obtained from the Academic Registrar University of London Senate House Syllabus for the Certificate of Proficiency in Religious Knowledge Old Regulations 1957-58-59 Compulsory Subjects Old Testament General knowledge Old Testament Selected subject New Testament General knowledge New Testament Selected subject Optional Subjects two of the following must be taken Introduction to the Old Testament Introduction to the New Testament Greek Testament period of Church History History of Religions β History of Christian Doctrine
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