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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-161

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162 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE GERMAN FOR SCIENCE STUDENTS Head of the Department Professor Frederick Norman Sj Bj-A course for students who wish to acquire as rapidly as possible such knowledge of German as will enable them to read scientific works in that language number of elementary and more advanced classes will be arranged DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Head of the Department Professor Arthur Valentine Judges Sc Econ college course for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education of the University of London is available to those who have obtained first degree in the Faculty of Natural Science Particulars of this and other courses in the Department are given in separate leaflet THEOLOGY Head of the Department The Dean of King's College Under the terms of the King's College London Transfer Act 1908 the Council is required to provide weekly lecture in Theology The time-tables are so arranged as to allow any student who wishes it to attend these lectures but no one may be compelled to do so To meet this requirement the lectures are delivered on Mondays at 10 The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of King's College and are provided without extra fee For the regulations governing the award of the Associateship to non- theological students see 44 ANATOMY Head of the Department Professor Thomas Nicol Sc Sc Special Anatomy For particulars see Prospectus of Faculty of Medical Science Students in the Faculty of Natural Science cannot at present be accepted for courses in this subject
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