Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 145
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146 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE For Special Zoology Candidates who commenced the course in October 1956 took Part Examination at the end of the first year in Zoology and two other subjects selected from Botany Geology Mathematics Chemistry Physics Psychology This examination was identical with Part of the Sc General examination under Revised Regulations At the end of the second year an ancillary examination will be taken in one subject which may be one of those offered at Part or another subject not already taken chosen from the above list or Geography Other alternatives allowed by the University are not available at King's College ii Candidates entering upon the course in and after October 1957 will take two ancillary subjects chosen from Anthropology Botany Chemistry Geography Geology Mathematics Physics Psychology Statistics of which one will be studied for the first year and the other for the first two years There will be no Part Examination HIGHER DEGREES In addition to Internal Graduates of the University of London External Graduates and Graduates of other Universities are admitted to courses leading to the degrees of Sc and Ph The degree of Sc is awarded not on thesis but on the merits of original published work not done under direction and no course is prescribed Facilities are offered in the various laboratories of the College to persons wishing to undertake research of this character For full details concerning the various Higher Degrees the University Regulations should be consulted THE POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION course of professional training extending over one session three terms is open to all men and women graduates of recognised uni- versifies who are accepted by the Head of the Education Department Applications for admission to the course will be considered only in the last year of the degree course and should be submitted to the Depart- ment of Education before December 15th preceding the autumn in which the applicant wishes to enter the Department Details of the Ministry of Education grants tenable in the Department are given in separate leaflet King's College does not provide courses in Psychology Arrangements may be made to take this course at Birkbeck College King's College does not provide courses in these subjects but arrangements may be made for them to be taken at another college on an intercollegiate basis
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