Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 144
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courses op study 145 Part in followed by Part II in Botany Mathematics Geology Mathematics Geography Physics Mathematics Geology Mathematics Geography Mathematics Physics Geology Physics Geography Physics Chemistry Botany Chemistry Botany Special Degree Courses One main subject must be selected from the following Mathematics Botany Geography Physics Zoology Anatomy Chemistry Geology Physiology The College does not provide Special Degree courses in Anthropology Astronomy or Statistics Reference should be made to the prospectus of the Faculty of Medical Science for information as to the conditions under which Physiology and Anatomy can be taken as main sub- jects The ancillary subjects which are to be taken with the respective main subjects are as follows No ancillary subject is required with main Mathematics With main Physics ancillary Mathematics is compulsory and no other ancillary subject may be taken With main Chemistry three ancillary subjects are required namely Physics studied for two years and Mathematics with either Biology or Geology or Physiology each studied for one year With main Botany two ancillary subjects must be chosen from Chemistry Geology Physics Physiology Statistics Zoology Normally Chemistry must be studied for two years and the second subject for one year With main Geology two ancillary subjects must be taken selected from Physics Chemistry Biology Botany Zoology Mathematics Anthropology Geography of which at least one must be chosen from the first five and Biology must not be offered with Botany or Zoology One of these subjects will be studied for the first year and the other for the first two years With main Geography two ancillary subjects are required namely Geology and one of the following Anthropology Biology Botany Economics History Mathematics Physics Statistics One of these subjects will be studied for the first year and the other for the first two years χ This combination of subjects is likely to involve time-table difficulties and may be taken only if special arrangements can be made Students in the Faculty of Natural Science cannot at present be accepted for courses in Anatomy or Physiology No change in the one-year or two-year ancillary subjects selected on admission to the course may be made unless the approval of the Head of the Department and of the Sub- Dean of the Faculty has been obtained
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