Calendar: 1957-1958 Page 110
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CLASSES 111 -History of Political Ideas See below Medieval and Modern History A20 -Languages see below Medieval and Modern History A23 IV-Postgraduate and Research Courses See under Medieval and Modern History Sec VI Medieval and Modern History I-Introductory Courses Υ -Outlines of European History Medieval -Outlines of European History Modern Η-B General and Subsidiary -History of Greece and History of Rome hrs -History of England 1189-1485 hr -History of England 1760-present day hr Z4-English Constitutional History hr Z5-Medieval European History 1200-1500 hr Z6-Modern European History 1750-present day hr -English Economic History hr Zg-British Colonial History after 1783 hr -Essay classes Times to be arranged -Students taking History for the General degree or as Subsidiary subject should consult the Departmental Tutor before choos- ing their classes Ill-B Honours History Branch II English History -History of England 1189-1485 hr Aa-History of England 1760-present day hr Aj-Modern British Government hr A4-The Reign of George III hr ii European History -Medieval 1200-1500 hr ן 52- Modern from 1750 hr See footnote 53- Special Aspects of History hr A6-Medieval hr -Modern hr A7-War in European History 1789-1914 hr Note -The courses marked are University Intercollegiate courses and will be given at the Senate House Particulars are available in the Department
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