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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1957-1958-105

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106 FACULTY OF ARTS A13-Latin Language and Set Books for English Honours Students The Classical Background to English Literature Times to be arranged Ill-Postgraduate and Research A14-Courses for and Ph as required Intercollegiate Lectures The intercollegiate lectures in Classics will be held in the Michaelmas and Lent terms at 10 and 11 30 on Wednesdays The place will be announced in the Department EDUCATION Head of the Department Professor Arthur Valentine Judges Β Δ Sc Econ -Principles of Education -The English Educational System -Educational Psychology A4-History of Education As-Comparative Education -Further Educational Psychology A7-Speech Training Ae-Health Education -Teaching Methods and Visual Aids A10-School Practice ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Head of the Department Professor Geoffrey Bullough I-B General lst year Practical Criticism hr Ζ lst year English Literary Forms hr Zs- lst year Introduction to Medieval Literature and Language hr Z4- 2nd year and Subsidiary Old English hrs Z6- 3rd year and Subsidiary Old and Middle English hr Ze- 2nd and 3rd years and Subsidiary English Literature 1579- 1700 hrs All years lst year lst year lst year A4- lst year A5- lst year lst year lst year Tutorial class hr II-B Honours Old English hrs History of English Language hr The Eighteenth Century hrs Introduction to Chaucer and early Drama hr English Literary Forms hr Optional subject hr Practical Criticism hr
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