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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1951-1952-40

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HISTORICAL SKETCH King's College for Women Household and Social Science Depart- ment In 1928 in accordance with Statutes prepared by the Uni- versity of London Commissioners acting under the University of London Act 1926 see below it was constituted as separate College under the title of King's College of Household and Social Science Retrospect During the 80 years in which it was responsible for the government of the whole College the Council had often acted as pioneer and was distinguished for the readiness with which it adopted new developments The Engineering School is the oldest of University character in the United Kingdom Ring's College was the first institution in London to develop evening teaching of an advanced type The Wheatstone Laboratory of Physics is older than any other teaching laboratory of the kind in England or Germany The laboratories of Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology and the William Siemens Laboratory of Electrical Engineering were among the first in these subjects to be started in London The course for Home Science and Economics in the Women's Department in Kensington was the first of its kind in this country During these years King's College had many distinguished men among its professors Among its Theological Professors have been Richard Chenevix Trench afterwards Archbishop of Dublin Charles John Ellicott Bishop of Gloucester Edward Hayes Plumptre and Frederick Denison Maurice In the Faculty of Arts the names of John Sherren Brewer Charles Henry Pearson Samuel Rawson Gardiner John Wesley Hales Sir John Knox Laughton and Sir Israel Gollancz may be mentioned in Science James Clerk Maxwell Charles Wheatstone John Frederick Daniell William Allen Miller Sir Charles Lyell and Edward Forbes in Engineering John Hopkinson in the Faculty of Medicine Sir William Fergusson Richard Partridge Sir William Bowman Lionel Beale John Wood Sir William Priestley Dr Ferrier and Lord Lister The wide scope of its work and the number of its students regular and occasional resulted in many distinguished men being associated with the College while still students This vigour in development shown by King's College is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that from the beginning it has been almost entirely without endowment Started originally by men of great distinction it had sum of at least £150 000 spent on its buildings but owing to very unfortunate circumstances no endowment was provided and the College began with heavy debt considerable number of the first promoters having seceded under the leadership of Lord Winchilsea without paying their promised subscriptions because of their distrust of the policy of the Duke of Wellington in supporting Catholic Emancipation Since then it has received certain legacies and endowments including £10 000 from Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke Esq for the purpose of founding Scholarships and Exhibitions
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