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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1951-1952-368

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ANNUAL REPORT still awaited The first post-war series of inspections of the faculties of the College has now been completed In the Department of French Miss Stone Reader in Romance Philology has been appointed head of the department Mr Jones Senior Lecturer in the department visited three of the univer- sities Strasbourg Poitiers and Paris to which honours students are sent for their period of study in France The object of his visit was to observe the conditions under which the students were working and to establish personal relations with the authorities in these universities Mr Jones provided the Delegacy with most interesting report on his visit which was clearly welcomed both by the students and the univer- sities concerned and proved most useful It is hoped that the contact thus established will be renewed and occasion taken to visit the other French universities to which students are sent In the Department of Chemistry Professor Allmand as recorded elsewhere has retired and the Delegacy have decided at the request of Professor AUmand's former students to give the name of the Allmand Laboratory to the reconstructed Special Honours Laboratory in commemoration of his services to the College Professor Hey succeeds Professor Allmand in the Daniell Chair to fill the second Chair in Chemistry the College has been fortunate in securing the appointment of Professor Ε Rideal In the Departments of Botany and Zoology the severe limitations of accommodation have necessary repercussions on academic policy Any long-term solution of the problem of providing these departments with adequate space in the Strand must await the completion of the new Library and the consequent availability of space vacated within the College buildings Clearly some short-term alleviation of the situation must be devised and it is for this reason that the Delegacy are extremely anxious to acquire an out-station at not too great distance from the College to which the research work and for the present the classes for the honours students in their final year can be transferred Apart from the problem of accommodation it is academically desirable that the facilities of an out-station should be available both for research and for periodic use by honours students though it may be hoped that eventually the undergraduate students may be furnished with adequate room for doing the bulk of their work in the College itself If the third-year honours classes however are as temporary expedient moved away from the Strand re-allocation of the rooms at present occupied by Zoology and Botany would go far to solve some of the present acute difficulties in which the Faculty of Medical Science is also involved owing to the limitation imposed upon the entry for the First by the amount of space available for the practical classes In the Faculty of Medical Science application was made to the University in accordance with the plans for development approved at the beginning of the quinquennium for the institution of Readership in Pharmacology This has been approved by the Senate and the post filled by the appointment of Dr George Brownlee
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