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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1951-1952-362

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vi annual report Professor of Old Testament Exegesis in the College from 1927 to 1936 and was elected Fellow of the College in 1929 Mr Joseph Barnard Honorary Lecturer in Microscopy at the College from 1909 to 1925 Dr Clara Millicent Knight Lit who was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Classics in 1910 Lecturer in 1914 Reader in 1921 and who retired in 1945 Dr Werner Milch who helped with the teaching work in the Department of German from 1944 to 1946 when he returned to Ger- many to take the Chair of German Language and Literature in the University of Marburg Mr Shawcross student in the Faculty of Engineering from 1892 to 1895 who was appointed Demonstrator in 1903 and held the post of Lecturer in the College from 1912 to 1923 Jean Vigne formerly part-time Lecturer in the Department of French Professor Alfred Barnes Sc former student in the Faoulty of Engineering and late Professor of Electrical Engineering in Manchester University Mr Hargreaves Parkinson former student of the College in the Faculty of Arts and late Editor of the Financial Times Mr Alan Wakeley former student in the Faculty of Medical Science Mr Frost first-year student in the Faculty of Natural Science Mr Merlin Lloyd Jones first-year student in the Faculty of Medical Science Mr Kenneth Packer student in the Faculty of Arts and the Depart- ment of Education from 1945 to 1949 Mr Scurr first-year student in the Faculty of Medical Science FELLOWS The following were appointed Fellows of the College Mrs Barrs Davies member of the Delegacy nominated by the London County Council since 1937 Professor Charles Harold Williams Professor of History and Head of the Department since 1934 and Assistant Principal since 1943 Mr John Everidge student in the Faculty of Medical Science from 1902 to 1908 Mr Everidge is President of the Urological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine and Senior Uro- logist at King's College Hospital where he has been member of the staff since 1919 Professor Lawrence Dudley Stamp Sc Inst Pet student of the College from 1914 to 1917 Demonstrator from 1919 to 1921 and now Vice-President of the Old Students' Association Dr Stamp was appointed Professor of Geology and Geo- graphy at Rangoon University in 1923 and was Sir Ernest Cassel
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