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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1951-1952-329

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332 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty 1938 Thomas Elizabeth Annie Sc Science 1947 Thomas Harold Heath Theology 1942 Thomas Herbert John Theology 1946 1948 Thurston June Phyllis Sc Science 1947 Timberlake Alfred James Thomas Sc Engineering 1939 Timbers Kenneth Hubert Theology 1948 Tindsley John Thomas Arts 1949 Tinsley John Theology 1949 Todd Audrey Sc Science 1939 Totey Albert James Arte 1938 Tollyfield John Kelsey Sc Science 1948 Toobe Henry George Benno Arte 1941 Townsend George Boris Sc Science 1945 Toye Donald Kenneth Morley Medical 1941 Travis Gertrude Jeanie Arte 1948 Traviss Dennis Sc Science 1938 Trillo Albert John Th Theology 1941 Tuckwell Mary Elizabeth Sc Science 1941 Turner Audrey Gould Sc Science 1949 Turner Ernest Edward Theology 1947 Turner Patricia Alexandra Arte 1947 Tuxford Audrey Dorothy Arte 1940 Tye Leslie Bernard Theology 1942 Underbill Reginald William Theology 1941 Verney-Boys Joan Laurette Arte 1939 Vernon Charles Harold Theology 1938 Vincent-Clarke Alan Charles William Ph Engineering 1960 940 Waite Thomas Lawrence Arthur Sc Science 1946 1939 Walker Eric Henry Theology 1942 Walker Walter Stanley Theology 1947 Walkey Gilbert Benjamin Bowland Medicine 1938 Wall Bernard Anthony Theology 1950 Wall Howard Sc 1949 Waller Gordon Hamilton Theology 1948 Ward Norman Edwin Theology 1943 Ware Heather Nora Rc Science 1949 Warren Henry John Arts 1941 Watkins Grace Adelaide Arts 1947 Watkins Margaret Hilda Arte 1939 Watkins Marjorie Doris Sc Science 1941 Watson John Percival Arte 1938 Watts Arthur Stanley Sc Medicine 1947 Weathrall Ian Charles Theology 1949 Webb Albert Theology 1940 Webb Douglas Theology 1941 Webb Ronald John Theology 1943 Webber Erie Theology 1941 Webber Harry Gill Theology 1941 1941 Weekes Ambrose Walter Marcus Theology 1947 Weitzel Derek Oliver Sc Science 1914 Weller Ivy Freda Celia Aits 1946 1950 Wells Margaret Amy Sc Science 1939 Wells Peter Frank Arte 1950 Wells Ronald Charles Theology 1941 Welti Arthur Hugh Arte 1942 Wesson Richard Roper Theology 1938 Western William George Sc Science
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