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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1951-1952-199

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200 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PART II Geology for Engineers One lecture per week throughout the session two hours practical work per week during Michaelmas and Lent terms The course provides general introduction to geology in all aspects relevant to engineering including the following -The larger surface features of the Earth Processes of weathering denudation and deposition The cycle of erosion Vulcanicity and earth movements Structural geology Outlines of British Stratigraphy Nature origin and occurrence of sedimentary igneous and metamorphic rocks Constructional materials-roadstones building stones brick clays roofing slate concrete aggregate lime and cement Geology of water supply Practical work includes the study of geological maps and the recog- nition of common rocks and minerals in hand specimens and under the microscope PART III Engineering Geology One lecture and two hours practical work during the Michaelmas and Lent terms The course deals with the application of geology to specific engineer- ing problems Reservoir and dam sites tunnels open excavations and cuttings bridge and building foundations landslips river control shore erosion geological aspects of site investigation The geology of petroleum and of economic mineral deposits are also covered The practical part of the course includes map work relating to such operations as tunnelling reservoir construction opencast mining etc together with the study of rocks and minerals of economic importance in hand specimens and under the microscope Field Class Class for field-work in Geology is held during the session and is regarded as an integral part of the course Tennant Prize The Tennant Prize in Geology of the value of about Ā£7 10 may be awarded for proficiency at the annua examination upon the year's work THEOLOGY Head of the Department The Rev Canon Eric Symes Abbott Dean of Ring's College Under the terms of the King's College London Transfer Act 1908 the Council is required to provide weekly lecture in Theology The time-tables are so arranged as to allow any student who wishes it to attend these lectures but no one may be compelled to do so To meet this requirement the lectures are delivered on Mondays at 10 The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of King's College and are provided without extra fee For the regulations governing the award of the Associateship to non- theological students see 44
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