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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-63

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62 PRIZES VII -IN THE FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Xeatbes prises The Leathes Prizes were founded by Philip Hammersley Leathes of Union Row Peckham Surrey in 1834 to be awarded to two Medical Students for their proficiency during the past Academic year in Religious Knowledge and likewise for their general Good Conduct The Prizes are administered by the Council The Prizes consist of books to the value of £5 and £4 respectively the first prize includes Bible and the second Prayer Book The Prizes are open to regular students of King's College Hospital Medical School and of the Faculty of Medical Science of University of London King's College The Prizes will be awarded upon the results of the third year Examination in Divinity for non-Theological Students Warneforb prt3es These Prizes were founded by the Rev Samuel Wilson Warne- ford LL for the encouragement of the study of Theology among the regular medical students of King's College There are two Prizes the first of the value of £25 consisting of silver medal and books or instruments and the second of the value of £15 consisting of bronze medal and books or instruments The Candidate must have passed in at least two subjects in the Medical curriculum in the previous Midsummer Examinations at King's College or King's College Hospital as the ease may be No one will be eligible to compete for the Prize who does not qualify in Medical subjects The Candidate must produce certificates of good conduct ii of regular attendance at Divinity Lectures and of having passed the annual Examination in Divinity during his course at the College The Candidate must submit not later than October 31st an Essay on some Theological subject comprised within the terms of the Trust which will be prescribed one year in advance The subject for the Essay in the Theological part of this Examination will be In 1944 Modern Physical Theories and Belief in God In 1945 Evolutionary Theories and Belief in God Hlfreb itmgbes ibemorial fl ri3e This Prize was founded in 1902 by his friends and colleagues in memory of Alfred William Hughes Professor of Anatomy from 1897 to 1900 The Prize consists of instruments or books of value of about £5 The Prize will be awarded annually to the regular student who during the second year of study in Anatomy shall have most dis- inguished himself in that subject at the Class Examinations
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