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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-62

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PRIZES-NATURAL SCIENCE 61 Faculty who fell at the head of his Platoon in the charge against the Turks at Gaza April 1917 The Prize consists of books or instruments to the value of £2 10 The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who in the first year shall have most distinguished himself in the Class Examinations in Zoology 30bn lbillar XEbomson Ibebal for Gbemistrg This Medal was founded in 1930 by Professor Smiles and Professor Allmand to commemorate the services rendered to the College and to chemical education by Professor John Millar Thomson LL who first became member of the 3tafi of the Department of Chemistry in 1871 and who retired in 1914 after having served for twenty-seven years as Daniell Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry The Medal is open to all regular students who have studied for at least two years in the Department of Chemistry The Medal will be awarded annually to the student who in the opinion of the Principal and the Professors of Chemistry shall have most distinguished himself in the final year of the Special Honours Course in the Department of Chemistry Samuel Smiles lp ri3e in Cbemistrp This prize was founded in 1938 from funds contributed by his former colleagues and former pupils as testimonial to Professor Samuel Smiles Sc upon his retirement from the Daniell Chair of Chemistry which he had held since 1920 The Prize consists of books to the value of £6 The Prize will be awarded at the end of each session to the student in the first year of the Sc Special Chemistry course who in the opinion of the Daniell Professor of Chemistry is adjudged to be the most meritorious Sreene pvise in Cbemical £ngineert11d This Prize has been presented annually since 1935 by Frank Arnold Greene Struct The Prize consists of books or instruments to the value of £5 5s The Prize is open to all regular students who have completed the course in Chemical Engineering and have obtained the College Certificate in Chemical Engineering The Prize is awarded annually to the student who in the opinion of the Chemical Engineering Committee of the College ha most distinguished himself in his course of study during the year
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