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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-61

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60 TRIZES VI -IN THE FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE -Prizes in Natural Science open to all Regular Students of the College JDrew Solb Ibebal anb ff ri3e for l&atbematics See under Prizes in the Faculty of Arts Carter 30lb Ibebal anb fl ri3e for Botany This Prize was founded in 1879 under the will of George Redsull Carter The Prize consists of gold medal and books to the joint value of about £15 The Prize is open to all regular students in all Faculties of the College who have attended for at least two years at the College The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who in the opinion of the Principal and the Professor of Botany shall have most distinguished himself in written and practical work in Botany during the year -Prizes in Natural Science open to Students of the Faculties of Arts Natural Science and Engineering ftennant Ibebals anb pri3es These Prizes were founded in 1881 under the will of James Tennant Professor of Mineralogy from 1853 to 1869 Each Prize consists of books or instruments to the value of £7 10 together with medal One Prize is open to all regular students in the Faculties of Arts and Natural Science in the Intermediate Year second Prize is open to all regular students in the Faculties of Arts and Natural Science in the first or subsequent years of their Final Course and third Prize is open to all regular students in the Faculty of Engineering The Prizes will be awarded annually on the result of the year's work in the respective courses in the Department of Geology C-Prizes in Natural Science open to Students in Specified Subjects Dare flM13e This Prize was founded in 1917 by George VV Hare in memory of his son Stanley Grant Hare former student of the Medical Science
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