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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-58

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PRIZES-ARTS 57 after consideration of the results of their Honours Degree examination supplemented if necessary by reports of their teachers and by written or oral test The Prizeman will be required to pursue an approved course of advanced study to the satisfaction of the Principal in Ancient Mediaeval or Modern Greek Language Literature or History or in Greek Archaeology The date and manner of payment shall be at the discretion of the College Authorities student may be awarded the prize in two or more consecutive years If in any year the Prize is not awarded the interest thus accumu- lated shall be available at the discretion of the Principal either for an increase in the amount of Prize subsequently awarded or for the award of two prizes in subsequent year Applications which must state the qualifications of the candidate and the character and scope of the proposed course of advanced study should be sent to the Principal not later than July 31st Earls JEnglisb Uest Society ri3e The Early English Text Society gives annually Prize of Books for the best work in Early English subjects in the Department of English tmbert iball ip rt3e for palaeograpbg This Prize was founded in 1927 from funds contributed by the pupils and friends of Hubert Hall Litt to celebrate his 70th birth- day Dr Hubert Hall was Reader in Palaeography from 1920 to 1926 The Prize consists of books to the value of Ā£5 The Prize is open to all students who have within three years of the date of the examination in each year attended for not less than three terms regular courses of instruction in Palasography or Diplomatic in connection with one of the Schools of the University The Prize will be awarded annually after examination The examination will be written and practical The paper or papers will include questions requiring knowledge of the history and theory of Palaeography with the elements of Diplomatic The regulations governing the award of the Prize may be modified from time to time by the Governing Body for the time being of Uni- versity of London King's College with the concurrence of the Council of the Royal Historical Society Entries should reach the Secretary by October lst The examination will be held in October
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