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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-53

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52 PRIZES-THEOLOGY The Prize of the value of about £2 10s is awarded annually 11 the Michaelmas Term after examination in some subject connected with Ecclesiastical History Candidates must send their names to the Secretary of the College before October 31st The Prize is open to all who are regular students of the Faculty of Theology at the time of the examination No student may obtain the Prize second time Subject fob Session 1944-45 The life and Times of St Ambrose Subject fob Session 1945-46 The Emperor Julian IRelton flM13e This Prize was founded in 1930 by Professor Herbert Maurice Relton in memory of his father the Rev Frederick Relton The Prize consists of books to the value of £4 The Prize is open to all regular students of the Theological Faculty The Prize will be awarded annually for an essay on subject within the scope of Dogmatic Theology The subject will be posted on the College Screens in the Michaelmas Term The essays must be sent to the Secretary of the College not later than the first day of the Easter Term Hrcbibalb Robertson fl ri3e This Prize was founded in 1931 in memory of the Right Rev Archibald Robertson Principal of the College from 1897 to 1903 and afterwards Bishop of Exeter who bequeathed £100 to the Council for the benefit of the Theological Faculty The Prize consists of books to the value of £4 The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who shall in the opinion of the Dean of King's College have most distinguished himself in the second year of the Course or the first year of the Course or the first year of the two-year course for graduates and men in Holy Orders 3B0J rl3e This Prize was founded in 1933 by Professor Samuel Henry Hooke Samuel Davidson Professor of Hebrew in the University of London in memory of his predecessor Canon George Herbert Box who was Professor of Hebrew in King's College from 1918 to 1927 and Samuel Davidson Professor from 1927 to 1930 The Prize consists of books to the value of £10
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