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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-49

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48 PRIZES The Examination will be held in the opening week of the Easter Term and names must be sent to the Secretary of the College by the close of the Lent Term No student may receive the Prize second time flbcCaul Ibebrew anb lb Testament pvise The friends and former pupils of the Reverend Alexander McCaul presented to the College the sum of £250 for the purpose of founding Prizes which should bear his name The Prizes consist of Books of the value of £6 and £4 respec- tively These Prizes are open to regular students of all Faculties of the College who have been in attendance during any one of the preceding three terms No student may obtain either of these prizes second time but Junior Prizeman may compete for the Senior Prize in subsequent year if otherwise qualified The Examination for the Senior Prize will be held at the end of the Lent Term There will be two papers Translation from the canonical books of the Old Testament Grammar and Composition ii Theology and Criticism of the canonical books of the Old Testament The Examination for the Junior Prize will be held at the end of the Lent Term There will be two papers Translation from certain set books or parts of books of the Old Testament Grammar and Composition ii set period of the history of Israel with the literature of the Old Testament belonging to that period Members of Faculties other than that of Theology who enter for these Prizes must send their names to the Secretary of the College not later than February 20 The set subjects for the Junior Prize will be posted on the College Screens in the Michaelmas Term next before the Examination
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