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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-252

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Page content

ANNUAL REPORT XXV DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Cavenagh English Education British Way and Purpose issued by the Directorate of Army Education Articles and reviews in Journal of Education Adult Education DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Davies Ε On the Isomorphic Transformations of Space of K-spreads Journal London Mathematical Society McVittie Kinematical Relativity The Observatory Vol 63 273 November 1940 Kinematical Relativity-A Discussion Milne Walker and McVittie in The Observatory Vol 64 11 April 1941 Axiomatic Treatment of Kinematical Relativity Proc Roy Soc Edin Vol LXI Pt Ill 1941-42 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Aharoni Contribution to the Theory of the Thermionic Valve 1' Phil Mag 1943 Flint Η The Fundamental Equation of the Quantum Theory Phil Mag August 1943 Flint Η and Pincherle The Impedance of Hollow Wave Guides Proc Phys Soc July 1943 Pincherle Eigenfunctions in Heisenberg approx of the Two-electron Problem Phil Mag xxxiii 462 1942 Rogers Measurements of Impedance by Lecher Wires Proc Phys Soc 1943 Williams and Wood Folding of the Selenanthren Molecule Nature 150 321 1943 DEPARTMENTS OF GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY Gordon The Gold Mines of Britain The Listener 1943 The Chemistry of Gemstones Endeavour July 1943 Wooldridge Contribution to Confidential Admiralty Publications
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