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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-233

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vi ANNUAL REPORT Cree Rev Theology 1926-30 Chaplain Fairweather Medical 1933-36 Surg -Lt Fevez Science 1938-40 Capt Queen's Royal Reg French Laws 1934-37 Gamon Science 1934-37 Instructor-Lt Gillett Theology 1937-39 Fit Lt Haswell Works Department Staff Hubbard Science 1935-36 Lieut Kershaw Laws 1937-39 Pilot Offr Lunoe Engineering 1938-40 Pilot Offr Mudie Laws 1932-33 Pilot Offr Page Preliminary Class 1932-33 Fit Lt Rivington Journalism 1938-39 Fit Lt Rogers Engineering 1932-38 Lieut Smith Arts 1913 2nd Lt North'd Fus Stewart Arts 1935-40 2nd Lt Swift Arts 1937-38 Lieut Tuck Engineering 1921-24 Lieut Wadeson Arts 1938-39 Pilot Offr Youens Theology 1938-39 2nd Lt East Yorks Died on Active Service Alexander Engineering 1935-38 Major Blackwell Engineering 1933-36 Pilot Offr Bonnett Medical 1936-40 Fit Lt Cooke Engineering 1937 Darycott Frank Science 1938-41 Pilot Offr Ellis Science 1938-40 Govt Chemist Hulme Arts 1937-40 Fit Sgt Lester Laws 1932-38 Pilot Offr Love Science 1937-41 Fig Offr Mackler Medical 1934-36 Capt McManemy Journalism 1938-39 Fig Offr Moynihan Medical 1931-34 Capt Neave Science 1918-19 Acting British Resident of State of Perak Liaison Officer to Military Forces in Malaya Rogers Η Assistant Lecturer in Laws Navigator Shaw Η Geol Dept Laboratory Staff Smallman Science 1933-36 Fit Lt Sykes Theology 1938-40 Sgt Pilot Thomas David Science 1938-39 Sgt Observer Wakeley Medical 1923-27 Major Walton Engineering 1937-40 Sgt Pilot Wesley Arts 1932-36 Cadet
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