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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-232

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ANNUAL REPORT addition to his other duties he acted as Deputy Secretary first in Glasgow and then in Birmingham Many generations of medical students will mourn the passing of friend and teacher and his col- leagues will sorrow for the loss of one who was beloved by all and whose distinguishing characteristic was his eagerness to seize any opportunity for the doing of kindness The deaths of the following have also to be recorded His Excellency the Marquis de Merry del Val 1929 who was Chairman of the Cervantes Chair of Spanish Appeal Committee as result of which the endowment was established in 1917 and who thereafter maintained lively interest in the affairs of the College Sir St Clair Thomson 1927 Emeritus Pro- fessor of Laryngology and Consultant Surgeon in King's College Hospital Dr Webb Lit 1909 Master of the Prelimin- ary Class in the College from 1897 to 1925 Dr Brooks who was educated at King's College School King's College and King's College Hospital and was elected an Associate in 1881 He was afterwards Physician at the Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford of which he ultimately became Vice-President Sir John Smale Sutton former student of the College who had successful career in the Civil Service and became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Customs and Excise Mr Rundall student in the Faculty of Engineering from 1886 to 1888 Miss Lucy Wright student in the Faculty of Arts from 1938 to 1941 and of the Department of Education from 1941 to 1942 ROLL OF HONOUR This list which includes members of the Theological Faculty has been completed up to September 1943 so far as information is available The College would be very grateful for information regarding any omissions this should be sent to the Secretary Ring's College Strand Killed in Action Ball Arts 1940- Pte Queen's Royal Reg Barnes Medical 1935-39 Lieut Beardon Science 1937-39 Pilot Offr Bird Rev Theology 1929-32 Chaplain Blore Η Arts 1938-41 Briant Preliminary Class 1925-26 Pilot Offr Buttress Engineering 1923-26 Hong Kong Clancey Laws 1937-39 Sgt
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