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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-219

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 231 Elected Same Faculty 1943 Pruden Margaret Elizabeth Art 1939 Prytherch Harry Vaughan Theology 1941 Pugh Ernest William Theology 1940 Puplett Vincent Charles Theology 1941 Purcell Stanley Thomas Theology 1938 Rabbetts Reginald Douglas Cyprian Theology 1941 Randall William Alfred Theology 1940 Read Hilda Muriel Î’ Arte 1939 Reading Laurence John Theology 1941 Reed Douglas Victor Theology 1942 Reed Gordon Evan Joseph Sc Science 1938 Reed John Newton Sc Science 1941 Reseigh Herbert Theology 1938 Revell Stanley Theology 1943 Reynolds Victor Harry Burgess Theology 1942 Riley Edgar Sc Science 1938 Rivers Frederick Alan Sc Science 1943 Roberts Joan Sc Science 1940 Robinson William Smithson Theology 1942 Rodgers Evelyn Freda Sc Science 1938 Rogers William Frederick Theology 1940 Rooney Leslie Francis Theology 1939 1940 Rowan Robert William Medicine 1940 Rowland Margaret Eleanor Sc Science 1939 Ruse Muriel Mary Arte 1939 Russell Arthur Frederick Medicine 1942 Saggs Henry William Frederick Theology 1938 Sandison Ronald Arthur Sc Medicine 1944 Saunders Ruth Elizabeth Arts 1942 Seager Andrew Ford Sc Science 1940 Searles Henry James Sc Science 1941 Selby Margaret Joyce Arts 1938 Shalders Eric George Sc Science 1940 Shipman Eric Arthur Theology 1933 Sholl Ernest Rcdfern Theology 1938 Simon Ulrich Ernst Theology 1938 Simpson Harry Eckersall Theology 1942 Skeat William Oswald Sc Engineering 1942 Skillern Robert James Theology 1942' Sleigh Arthur Ffennell Crofton Sc Engineering 1939 Smith David Lloyd Theology 1940 Smith Edwin Malcolm Ramsey Sc Science 1940 Smith Reginald Henry Sc Science 1938 Smith Reginald Leslie Arte 1941 Smith Rodney John Boughton Theology 1940 Smith Sidney Frank Theology 1938 Arte 1939 Southgate Norman Frederick Theology 1942 Southwell Roy Theology 1940 Sparling Harold William Theology 1938 Sparrow Hilda Emily Arte 1941 Spencer Christopher John Edward Theology 1944 Spill Mary Sc Science 1940 Squire George Victor Vincent Sc Science 1942 Stamp Barry Hurtnell Arts 1942 1941 Starck Joan Josephine Arte 1941 Stephens Paul Dudley Theology 1938 Stock Francis Edgar Medicine 1939 Stokes John Hardy Theology 1940 Stringer Henry Richard Theology
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