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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-198

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210 APPENDIX HcaC emic Staff The names of the Academic Staff of the College for the current session are given under their respective Faculties For the names of members of the Academic Stafl holding appoint- mcnts in the College in previous sessions reference should be made to the Calendars for 1939-10 and subsequently Student Xibrartans Student Librarian is elected annually for period of one year The emoluments of the office are 12 guineas term and the duties consist of attendance at the Library for not more than 20 hours week during term to issue books and to exercise general control of students using the Library The Student Librarian will be under the general direction of the Librarian and will be expected to read for higher degree Applications should be sent to the Librarian 1939 No appointment 1942 Loveridge May 1940 Sheard Α 2nd half-session 1943 Budden Barbara Loewensberg Betty Helen Leff Barbara 1941 Stone Audrey 1944 Gale John 1942 Baker Phyllida Μ Woodgate Audrey Joan For previous appointments see Calendar for 1939-40 Student Demonstrators Student Demonstrators may be appointed by the Delegacy on the nomination of the Professors to give assistance in practical work in the Scientific Departments of the College under the following conditions Candidates must be students who have completed with dis- tinction the final year course of study in the subject in which it is proposed that they should assist Student Demonstrator will pay the fees prescribed for the course he is pursuing but may receive from the Delegacy an honora- rium in recognition of the services rendered by him to the College 1940 Cavanagh Easter term only Physics 1941 Kowsod Lent and Easter terms Botany 1942 Hammond Miss Lent and Easter terms Psychology Lambert -Miss Η Lent and Easter terms Psychology Youldon Miss Session 1942-43 Geography 1943 GrUnberg Erika Chemistry Hillman Margaret Elizabeth Chemistry For names of those elected before 1901 see Calendar for 1900-01 For names of those elected between 1902 and 1939 see Calendar for 1939-40 Student assistants The following having passed their examinations but not having completed the three years' course of study necessary to qualify for degree were appointed Student Assistants in the years indicated Zoology 1937 Mendham Norman Victor Civil and Mechanical Engineering 1938 Carroll John Walter Sara Hedley John Physics 1942 Bolton Herbert Cairns Anatomy 1938 Daniel Peter Maxwell li Camb 1941 Calcott Ronald Douglas Lent Miller John Boy Mackay Term Bochford Joan Mary Trickey Edward Lorden Easter Calcott Ronald Douglas Term Hatherley Lawrence Ivan 1942 Briggs Edward James Easter Makey Arthur Robertson Term Philip Peter Forbes
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