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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-194

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206 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY General Ethics Ethics Set Books General Psychology Psychology of Religion Candidates are advised to take the two papers in Ethics Graduates in Arts of the University of London are excused the Inter- mediate Examination in Divinity with the exception of the paper on Elementary Hebrew unless they have already reached the required standard in that subject Matriculated Students who have passed the Intermediate Examination in Arts with Classical Greek or tcith Latin or tvith Ethics or with Ancient History will be exempted at the Intermediate Examination in the subject or subjects in which they have so passed Degree Old Testament Two papers The History of Israel to 70 with either detailed study including Introduction of selected books in the Revised Version of the Old Testament or of the Apocrypha or detailed study of the Hebrew text of portion of one of the selected books of the Old Testa- ment including translation pointing and critical grammatical and exegetical notes ii The Religion of Israel to 70 with either detailed study including Introduction of selected books in the Revised Version of the Old Testament or of the Apocrypha or detailed study of the Hebrew text of portion of one of the selected books of the Old Testa- ment including translation pointing and critical grammatical and exegetical notes general knowledge of the contents of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha will be required New Testament Two papers Translation introduction criticism and exegesis of specified books ii Textual criticism general introduction contents formation of canon of the whole New Testament unprepared translation from the New Testament Biblical and Historical Theology Two papers Subject for 1945 -The Incarnation and the Trinity Subject for 1946 -The Work of Christ The papers contain respectively questions on some branch of Biblical and Historical Theology and the History of Christian Doctrine Church History One Paper General Paper on the History of the Christian Church to 451 Plato Republic Mill Utilitarianism 1945 Judges and Maccabees ft Judges VI-IX 1946 II Kings II Kings XVIII verses to 23 80 1945 Daniel and Jeremiah Jeremiah III VII and XXXI 1946 Isaiah XL-LXVI and Wisdom Isaiah XLIX-LV 1945 Romans St Matthew 1946 St Matthew Corinthians
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