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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-191

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 203 COURSES OF STUDY PRELIMINARY YEAR COURSE The Course is for one year October to June and provides full preparation for the September Matriculation Examination or for the College Entrance Examination in Greek Latin Mathematics History and English No previous knowledge of Greek or Latin is required for admission to the course but intending students should if possible begin the study of Greek and Latin without delay Courses in other subjects can be provided by special arrangement in exceptional cases and in particular Logic may be substituted for Mathematics by permission of the Dean but it is to be noted that for the Matricula- tion Examination Mathematics and English are compulsory subjects that the College requires the student to satisfy the Theological Professorial Board that he has an adequate knowledge of Greek and Latin before he proceeds with the or Degree Course This course is suspended for the time being COMBINED COURSE FOR AND The subjects of examination in the course for the University Degree are given in later section Students reading for the com- bined course and are examined as follows End of First Year-University Intermediate Examination Viva voce in Greek Testament End of Second Year-College Examination in Hebrew New Testa- ment Introduction Greek Testament Old Testament Intro- duction Philosophy Early Church History Systematic Theology Christian Worship English Church History Homiletics Viva voce in Greek Testament End of Third Year-University Final Examination College Examination in Christian Worship Homiletics Pastoralia Viva voce in Greek Testament
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