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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-190

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202 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY £ 11 32 10 10 12 12 15 15 21 15 15 21 FEES Students are required to pay their fees in advance at the beginning of each term unless special arrangements have been made Tuition fees for Regular Students All courses except those enumerated below Terminal tuition fee or if paid in advance as Composition fee Final year of the Course Special terminal fee for Associates of King's College Master of Theology-annual Composition fees For Internal Graduates or Associates If taken in one year If taken in two years For External Graduates If taken in one year If taken in two years Ph in Theology Composition fee for one year Composition fee for two years Registration fee for graduates of the C011ege per annum For graduates of other Colleges per term Evening Class per term -Students who have obtained the Associateship of the College will be allowed reduction of 20 per cent in the fees unless the fee is reduced fee in respect of an Internal Graduate or Associate Students of the Theological Faculty who have taken the Theological Associateship will be allowed similar reduction of 20 per cent in the fees of other Faculties of the College reduction of 20 per cent in the fees is allowed in the case of students who pass direct from King's College School or from Strand School after having spent at least five terms in the School II Tuition fees for Occasional Students Day Students -Except where otherwise stated Occasional Students pay fees at the rate of one guinea per term for each course of one hour per week reduction of £1 Is is made when five or more courses in one term are taken Evening Students -Fees are one guinea per term for one hour per week and half guinea per term for each additional hour Occasional Students can use the Library on payment of 10s 6d per term III Theological Hall Fees £ Composition fee for term of about 10 weeks 22 Fee for any shorter period per week 50 Vacation fee for those who have resided during the previous term per week 112 On entering the Hall residents are required to deposit £2 to meet charges for laundry Common Room subscriptions etc At the beginning of each term the balance from the previous term must be restored to £2 The total fees including those for residence at the Hall amount to £98 per annum if the annual composition fee for tuition is paid in advance With minor extra expenses the total expenses during the Academic Year ought not to exceed £120 to £130
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