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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-186

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198 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY The Academic Year consists of three terms Michaelmas Term from the first week in October to the middle of December Lent Term from the middle of January to the end of March Easier Term from the end of April to the end of June College and University Examinations are held at the close of the academic year Students for the Divinity degree should therefore arrange if possible to have passed the London Matriculation Examination or one of its equivalents before beginning their Theological course They must begin their course with the Michael- mas term except by special permission from the Dean All students regular or occasional must register at the College at the beginning of each session Attendance at the lectures prescribed for the various courses is compulsory All full-time students are allowed under certain con- ditions to attend lectures in other Faculties in the College without extra charge Students who are preparing for Holy Orders are reminded that the Bishops require testimonials from three beneficed clergymen in addition to the University degree or the College Associateship and Testamur It is desirable therefore that students should keep themselves within the personal knowledge of three beneficed clergymen during the whole of the three years previous to their application for acceptance as candidates for ordination Students are warned that Bishops do not usually accept for ordina- tion men over 30 years of age unless they have been previously known to them ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS University of London Matriculation Examination The passing of this examination or the registration at the University of exemption from it qualifies student to read for either the degree or the diploma or both provided that the subjects in which he has satisfied the examiners include Latin and Greek Detailed particulars of this examination and information concerning exemption from it may be obtained from the Secretary to the Matriculation and General School Examinations Council University of London Rich- mond College Richmond Surrey Students who have passed or been exempted from the Matriculation Examination without passing in Latin and Greek should see below under College Entrance Examination See also below under Courses of Study
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