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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-175

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SYLLABUSES OF COURSES 185 Current Motor 10 Siemens-Schuokert single-phase series motor Oerlikon three-phase Commutator Motor Reyrolle Mining Type Oil Circuit Breaker Protective Devices and relay equipment The Laboratory is supplied with set of 100 Tudor cells of 140 Ampere-hour capacity and Lancashire Dynamo Co 's Automatic Reversible Booster Electric Supply Meters for Alternate and Direct Currents Apparatus required for examining the instantaneous effects of alternating currents by means of revolv- ing contact makers an Ondograph Oscillographs of the Duddell and Cathode Ray Types single and double beam and Drysdale Alter- nating Current Potentiometer The College is equipped with Radio- telegraphic Antenna and apparatus for Radio-telegraphy and high- frequency alternating currents including high-frequency bridge sub-standard frequency meter Q-meter signal generator valve voltmeter output meter variable attenuators and thermionic valve testing apparatus The photometric laboratory is equipped with various types of photometer including portable photo-electric types and apparatus for measuring mean spherical candle power and illumi- nation The equipment includes three-phase and six-phase mercury arc-rectifiers both fitted with grid-control gear The laboratories also contain electric furnaces and electric fans together with the necessary testing apparatus The instruments in use are complete and modern and Students are enabled to have practical instruction in every branch of Electrical Engineering The Laboratory is provided with two 4-ton overhead travelling cranes line of shafting capable of transmitting 100 horse power and testing pits The Certificates given in this subject depend partly on written examination and partly on an examination of work done during the course of study Visits to works in or near London are arranged from time to time Z2-Electrical Technology Second Year Two lectures per week Laboratory one half-day week Electric and magnetic laws units standards-Electrostatic and electromagnetic properties of materials-Electric and magnetic circuits-Electric and magnetic measurements-Measuring instru- ments and their calibration-Alternating currents including polyphase currents elementary theory and elements of design-Continuous and alternating current generators motors and transformers simple theory working and construction-Tests by direct and indirect methods-Transmission and distribution of Electric Energy relative efficiencies of various systems-Electrolysis elementary principles- Electric lamps and illumination-Secondary cells elementary theory and testing-Graphical vector treatment of simple alternating current problems
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